Ekev – The Shema Second Portion: The Consequences of Free Choice

Ekev abour Shema and free choice

Overview Parashat Ekev continues with recounting the events that the People of Israel went through.  We need to remember, that Moshe is talking to a new generation, that did not witness these experiences.  It starts with a what if: if you will fulfill the laws, God will keep His Covenant with the Patriarchs:  If you […]

Shlach Lecha – My Precious Personal Bond and The Significance of Names

Shlach Lecha icon

Bar Mitzvah The Bar Mitzvah (for boys, Bat Mitzvah for girls) is a celebration of rite of passage.  Jewish youth receive then privileges and assume responsibilities to perform Mitzvot (commandments) and become active members of the Jewish community.  This celebration takes place during a Shabbat morning service.  The Bar/Bat Mitzvah groom/bride will be called up […]

VaYakhel–Pekudei – Parashot of Interesting Parallels

VaYakhel - gathering the people

I held a study of these Parashot together with members of our local community.  The recording of the class is accessible at the bottom of this page. The name of the Parasha, VaYakhel, creates the association to the last commandment, the 613th Mitzvah in Deuteronomy: VaYakhel – Pekudei Parallel to: Exodus 35:1 Deuteronomy 31:12 (VaYelekh): […]

Mishpatim – Laws: Yes, They Are Still Applicable!

Mishpatim Thunbnail

Introduction Mishpatim follows the receipt of the Ten Commandments.  By the word “follows” I means that in Torah, this Parasha comes after Yitro, and not necessarily a chronological relationship.  It stands for reason that explanations how to implement the top-level Ten Words in daily life would follow.  The explanations include the reasoning AND the consequences […]

Yitro – An Important Parasha with a Personal Connection

Yitro thumbnail

Introduction Parashat Yitro may be among the most important Parashot in Torah.  It describes in details the first public interaction between the People of Israel and HaShem.  During that event, at the foot of mount Sinai, The People hear HaShem calling out the Ten Commandments.  And sorry to disappoint you – I am not going […]

Beshalach – The Miraculous Crossing of the Sea

Beshalach - the parting of the Sea of Reeds

Readers Digest of Parashat Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16) The name of the Parasha, Beshalach, ‘means upon sending out’. True to its name, the Parasha describes the Journeys of the People of Israel.  Going from XXX to YYY and camping there, and continuing to ZZZ.  Their navigation aids are the Pillar of Cloud by day and a […]

Bo – All Lives, Regardless Ethnicity, Matter

Tefillin includes text from Parashat Bo

Executive Summary (Exodus 10 – 13:16) Bo in Hebrew means Come, get close, enter. God instructs Moshe to present himself to Pharaoh ten times, six out of which He uses the verb Bo.  Unfortunately, the common translation to this verb is Go.  The difference is huge: go is an outwards action, while come, enter, is […]

Va’Era – Ratifying The Covenant and the First Plagues

Ten Plagues

Recap and connecting to Parashat Shemot Va’Era is connected to Shemot in several ways, the most trivial one is the transition between the Parashot.  Va’Era starts with Exodus 6:2, while verse 1 is still in Parashat Shemot.  In Shemot God recognized and took to heart the suffering of the Sons of Israel.  He Knew. This […]

Vayishlach – Esav and Ya-akov Meeting is Very Stressful

Vayishlaḥ, the meeting between Ya-akov and Esav

The Text Itself and Its Uniqueness One of the key stories in Parashat Vayishlach is the meeting between the two brothers, Esav and Ya-akov.  It starts at the very beginning of chapter 33.  Here are verses 3-4: He himself went on ahead of them [his wives and children] and bowed low to the ground seven […]

Vayishlach – Two Names with Opposite Personalities in One Person

Vayishlach - Yaakov struggles with the angel

Two Names, Given in Two Different Occasions(?), and a Third One. There are many more stories in Parashat Vayishlach, each of them with a unique lesson to embrace.  The meeting with Esav, his brother, is one of them.  Another one is the tale of the rape of Dina his daughter.  We also read about the […]

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