Yom Kippur 1973: My Personal Memories of that Horrific War

Yom Kippur war

Prolog On Shabbat, October 6th 1973m at 3pm, was the first time we officially heard about the start of the Yom Kippur war.  In this essay I would like to share with you my own personal experience that I lived there and was part of all that went on in Israel during that war.  Don’t […]

United with Israel We Shall Prevail and Overcome!

Israel Memorial and Independence Day

Shalom, I am writing to you today, dear friends and readers, with a request for your mobilization and help to the People of Israel, that you care for and feel you are a part of. I was, and am still, glued to the TV, watching the Israeli News Channels live feed as the horrific details […]

Cancer Taught Me Important Lessons and a Positive Outlook

Cancer struggle

Introduction My first encounter with Cancer was early in 2004.  I didn’t know then that it was a huge understated preview to the real show.  Let me first introduce a dry synopsis of these encounters (click here to read the more detailed story of my cancer experience).  The insights and lessons learned follow, with the […]

Two Reverends and a Rabbi Chatting about God and Faith

Clergy, Two Reverends and a Rabbi

The feedback from our first chat in the series of “Two Reverends and a Rabbi” was quite positive and encouraged us to meet again for a chat.  Then, we talked about life, faith and the need for reasoning to have faith.  In this panel conversation we shared more stories – personal and others – along […]

Debate With Clergy Colleagues: Show Compassion When Our Enemy Dies?

Debate with Clergy

This is What Started the Debate. On February 4th Brad Smith published the “Local neo-Nazi and Covid-19 denier Erickson dead” in the Rouge Free Press.  “By 2019, Erickson had already caused a stir on social media with his posts.  Aside from being a vehement Holocaust denier and 9/11 conspiracy theorist – “Biome Michael” was also […]

High Holidays: An Interesting Conversation About them with Clergy

Shofar Blowing during High Holidays

The High Holidays was the subject of our two-sessions conversation.  We talked about the Creation of the World and hence the importance of words we use.  Among the other topics that we exchanged thoughts about wer repentance and forgiveness.  You can read more about prayers and repentance during the High Holidays in this article that […]

Clergy Chatting About Life, Faith and Reasoning

Clergy, Two Reverends and a Rabbi

Clergy members Scott, Fred and myself shared our views about faith and rationalization of unexplainable phenomena.  We also touched on how we maintain faith in times of distress.  The audience was residents of the Rouge Valley Manor, an elderly home, that challenged us with intriguing questions.  This was the first panel conversation we had at […]

Menashe and Eliezer Z”L – My Two Half-Brothers Who Influenced My Life

Prolog – Some Historical Background of the Family This story is a difficult one to tell.  What to include, and what to omit?  How to avid it from being too long and yet keep the significant parts in?  These are only a few of the questions I am struggling with.  I will try to provide […]

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