Yom Kippur 1973: My Personal Memories of that Horrific War

Yom Kippur war

Prolog On Shabbat, October 6th 1973m at 3pm, was the first time we officially heard about the start of the Yom Kippur war.  In this essay I would like to share with you my own personal experience that I lived there and was part of all that went on in Israel during that war.  Don’t […]

United with Israel We Shall Prevail and Overcome!

Israel Memorial and Independence Day

Shalom, I am writing to you today, dear friends and readers, with a request for your mobilization and help to the People of Israel, that you care for and feel you are a part of. I was, and am still, glued to the TV, watching the Israeli News Channels live feed as the horrific details […]

The Judicial Reform in Israel – Conversing About the Current Situation

Demonstration against the Judicial Reform in Israel

Today, with the ongoing attempt to legislate a Judicial Reform, Israel struggles with one of the most severe challenges that it has faced since its inception.  Most of us, many Israelis included, are lacking deeper knowledge about the issues at hand.  Much of what we hear or read about the issue includes agenda-driven interpretation, making […]

Israel’s Memorial and Independence Day, 2023: Sadness and Joy, Hand in Hand

Israel Memorial and Independence Day

Memorial Day Yesterday the nation, the People of Israel, commemorated the 24,213 fallen in the campaigns of the resurrection and sustenance of Israel, the count started in January 1873.  Israel is unique in its way of commemorating the fallen and celebrating its independence.  The day of the highest joy, Independence Day, immediately follows the day […]

Operation Breaking Dawn: Challenging the New York Times Biased Coverage

New York Times about breaking dawn operation

A short Introduction. The following is a translation of an article I just read in Maariv, one of Israel’s daily newspapers.  It analyses the way the New York Times covered Operation Breaking Dawn.  The timing of posting it onto the website was more critical, in my opinion, than perfecting the English to be proper and […]

The Status of the Golan Heights Residents: Is it Worse Than in Israel?

Golan Heights map

The Status of residents of the Golan Heights Sarah:            After reading this opinion piece and as many of the comments as I could tolerate, I realized that I don’t have all the facts about how Israel governs.  For example, I learned on our last trip to Israel that people in the Golan do not […]

Yom Yerushalayim – Personal Reflections that Warm the Heart

Flags parade during Yom Yerushalayim

The 28th of Eyar is Yom Yerushalayim – the day of liberation and reunification of Jerusalem.  The Hebrew letters that represent 28 are כח, which means strength, power or force.  Indeed, it took strength and resolve, and the sacrifice of 182 souls to achieve that glorious unification of the ancient-new city. The very place that […]

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