Clergy Chatting About Life, Faith and Reasoning

Clergy members Scott, Fred and myself shared our views about faith and rationalization of unexplainable phenomena.  We also touched on how we maintain faith in times of distress.  The audience was residents of the Rouge Valley Manor, an elderly home, that challenged us with intriguing questions. 

This was the first panel conversation we had at the Rouge Valley Manor, the largest retirement community in our area.  We had such a good time during the conversation that we – our audience included, decided to have another one.  You can watch it here.

Latest News and events

Yom Kippur 1973: My Personal Memories of that Horrific War


On Yom Kippur 2023, I shared my memories with Havurah Shir Hadash congregation. The following is an edited transcript of the recording that is also shared here.

United with Israel We Shall Prevail and Overcome!


It’s time for us to unite and act together: All Israel are responsible for each other! Now, when Israel is under the vicious attack of the barbarian Hamas no one can stand indifferent. We all must speak up and show solidarity with Israel.

Repentance and Forgiveness – Two Sides of One Coin: Reframing the Past and Changing the Future


Rosh HaShanah, Jewish New Year, calls to examine our actions during the past year, make amends and promise not to repeat mistakes. This process is called Teshuvah, repentance.

Ekev – The Shema Second Portion: The Consequences of Free Choice


Parashat Ekev ends with the second portion of the Shema prayer. In it, Moshe explains the consequences, for better or worse, of choices the People or Israel will make.


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